Here you can find information about how PhysicianXpress can help you to manage your Pediatric Practice.
Faster Payments via Less Administrative Work
We do not rest until each of our practices achieves a collection rate above 99% of the contract amount with less than 30 days in accounts receivable. This is above the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) benchmarks.
Click Here to View More DetailsOur Pediatric billing team manages the claim revenue cycle including tracking the claims and follow-up on denials. We constantly measure the percent of claims paid as well as the amount of practice revenue in Accounts Receivable (AR). We are able to move practices to under 30 AR days within a short time after implementing our billing service.
We provide a report each month that shows the collection by practice, provider as well as the trends over the last 12 months. Additionally, we include the current AR by insurance company and a detailed list of the status of claims that are > 120 days aged. This report saves the practice manager/physician partners time while providing them a summary of revenue for the practice.For more information call (877)366-7331, option 1 or click here.
Click Here to View More DetailsOur billing rules are based on current standards established by organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) as well as various industry standards.
We also implement automatic coding rules linked directly to practice workflow as reviewed by the practice and our account manager. When a practice selects a vaccine provided, the system attaches the appropriate administration codes with the click of a button. We also provide support for questions through the system or phone for your office.For more information call (877)366-7331, option 1 or click here.
Gain Insight into Your Pediatric Practice
With our cloud-based, always updated reports and tools, you can analyze your Pediatric Practice in real-time. This includes providing real-time knowledge of claim status as well as pending patient accounts.
Click Here to View More DetailsThe reporting features in PhysicianXpress are robust and always ready and availale.
Our tools include a dashboard to monitor claims in real-time, visit reports, an insurance claim aging report, insurance distribution reports, a patient statement dashboard, a capitation report, a financial dashboard, and more.
Our Pediatric-focused team is continually monitoring trends and changes in the industry.
Whether it be industry changes such as ANSI 5010 and ICD-10 or updates to billing rules/methods for Pediatrics, our team is constantly learning, researching and applying new methods to accommodate for these adjustments. This means less work for you and other members at your Pediatric Practice.For more information call (877)366-7331, option 1 or click here.
Less Administrative Work, More Focus on Patient Care
We focus on the billing, claims submission and other administrative work. This frees your staff to focus on other activities such as implementing a Medical Home, other Pediatric Services and other activities that generate revenue for the Practice.
Click Here to View More DetailsBy letting our Pediatric-focused billing team handle the work of claims submission, denial management, re-processing and patient statements, Pediatric Practices are able to increase their collection rate, reduce their Accounts Receivable days and free up staff to focus on activities that generate revenue.
Through our scheduling system Pediatric Practices are easily able to identify areas in the schedule to fill as well as the overall amount of time open in the schedule. This helps practices effectively plan for expansion or identify if there are any breaks in the load on their schedule.For more information call (877)366-7331, option 1 or click here.
Low Upfront Cost and Easy Implementation
With our cloud-based model start-up costs are low, updates are at no additional cost and this provides a predictable, easy-to-manage cost to the practice.
Click Here to View More DetailsFor a small, solo Pediatric office our start-up costs are significantly below industry averages. The set-up cost includes training, lab connections to LabCorp and/or Quest, and a connection to an immunization exchange.
Even though there are constant changes and updates to industry standards (such as ANSI 5010, ICD-10, and pediatric-specific billing and coding rules) we invest our time, effort, and resources to try to stay ahead of these trends and incorporate them where appropriate into PhysicianXpressFor more information call (877)366-7331, option 1 or click here.
The Power of Cloud Knowledge
Pediatric practices that use PhysicianXpress are hosted on a central system, enabling your pediatric practice to benefit from collective experiences and best practices through the network’s shared knowledge.
Click Here to View More DetailsPhysicianXpress Vs. Software-Server or ASP Model Our pediatric medical billing rule engine is constantly being updated based on changes made by the payers with no extra cost to your practice. We update claim errors in our scrubbers so our practices achieve faster payment. You may be required to purchase an additional service to ensure your claims are clean when they go out. Pediatric Practices share a single instance of cloud-based medical Billing software with all other providers on the network, enabling your pediatric practice to benefit from collective experiences and best practices from other practices on the network. Your practice operates in an information silo without the benefits of connection to a shared-knowledge database. In some cases, you may be able to pay extra to communicate with other practices. Product changes usually occur on the vendor’s upgrade schedule and usually there is a cost to the practice for the upgrades. Monthly reporting is provided to each practice including a summary of collection rate and AR days. Reporting and analytics are sometimes available at additional cost. For more information call (877)366-7331, option 1 or click here.
An Efficient and Effective Workflow
Because we offer a product focused solely in Pediatrics instead of offering a multi-specialty product with some Pediatric templates thrown in, the entire PhysicianXpress system is designed for today’s pediatric practice to insure optimal payments for each of their patient encounters.
Click Here to View More DetailsPhysicianXpress Vs. Software-Server or ASP Model Our Pediatric Medical Billing team handles the time and burden associated with claim submission and tracking, payment posting, remittance posting, EOB imaging and other aspects to manage the pediatric billing. If you need help with medical billing tasks associated with a pediatric office, you might need to pay staff to manage the claims. To insure you obtain the proper payments, this staff needs to be trained quarterly and frequently audited and monitored. This method costs money and time and is sometimes unreliable. Because the system is cloud-based, your practice benefits from constant two-way communication related to flagging of charts, collecting balances, and follow-up on claims. Billing can only be accessed via a remote connection, meaning that the billing company is not constantly linked into your system. You can access the system via your office, your home, or even your smartphone, which provides real-time access to your information. Accessing the data usually requires the client to dial through a remote connection and sometimes introduces limits on functionality. For more information call (877)366-7331, option 1 or click here.
The Customer Service and Support Needed for Your Practice
We manage the time-intensive work related to claim submission, EOB entry, payment posting, and remittance while providing a consistent monthly report to your practice.
Click Here to View More DetailsPhysicianXpress Vs. Software-Server or ASP Model Our pediatric medical billing team manages the most recent medical billing rules and knowledge through our software. We keep you up to date with a monthly report while providing tools to take deeper looks into every detail of your practice data. Accessibility of your practice’s data is not guaranteed, and frequently inconvenient. When there are new industry rules/changes, you will need to coordinate/identify when the vendor will be able to update your systems. You can benefit from the expertise of our staff to help you analyze your pediatric practice, as well as continued, accessible support. You may have access to live support for a short period of time after implementing a new system. Usually, extra support time will incur an additional fee. All personnel in your pediatric practice can access our easy-to-use training videos at any time. You may be required to pay for access to online training tools. For more information call (877)366-7331, option 1 or click here.
Low Upfront Cost, Minimal Financial Risk
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PhysicianXpress Vs. Software-Server or ASP Model There are no upfront costs for software licenses and no fees for upgrades or maintenance. Your practice is required to make a large upfront investment for software licenses as well as hardware and installation. The long-term cost of upgrades and changes is also uncertain. Your Pediatric practice operates in a secure data environment with a 99.7% uptime commitment and the practice data is stored in multiple locations. You may need to pay extra for additional hardware or software to manage system security, data back-up, and disaster recovery. We utilize a shared revenue, mutual reward performance-based model so that we only get paid when you get paid. This assures that our goals are aligned with your success. There is no shared reward model. The system that is sold to you may just increase your expenses, and there is no guarantee that your practice will experience positive results or increased revenue or efficiency. For more information call (877)366-7331, option 1 or click here.
Easy, Free, Continual Updates
Remove the time and hassle incurred by installing a software update. With PhysicianXpress, software updates are made on a routine basis with minimal inconvenience.
Click Here to View More DetailsPhysicianXpress Vs. Software-Server or ASP Model Your Pediatric Practice has access to all new features and updates added to the system at no additional charge. Updates may occur months after the change is relevant. Usually the time-consuming work of installing the updated software falls on your staff. For more information call (877)366-7331, option 1 or click here.
Reduced Implementation Fee if You Start in 2012
If you manage a small medical practice, you can now save thousands when you implement of our total suite services. This means a no-cost set-up for your Pediatric practice as you transfer to our suite services to help you increase revenue and reduce administrative burden.
Our services for Pediatric practice management, electronic health records and patient communications are cloud-based which means you will not need to pay for software licensing, updates or maintenance.
To learn more, just fill out the form here and mention this special offer and a representative will contact you with more information.